Introducing the Neuroplex at
Barrow Neurological Institute

Now Open
The most advanced neuroscience care in the world.
Now under one roof.


An Inviting Point of Entry

The Neuroplex is a grand entry to the Institute and houses our Departments of Neurosurgery and ENT/Skull Base Surgery, a pre-admission center for neurosurgery, a neuro-infusion suite, and the neuro-oncology, stroke, and neuro-endocrinology divisions of our Department of Neurology.

A Home for Outpatient Surgery

Thanks in no small part to the research conducted at Barrow over the decades, brain and spine surgery no longer means a lengthy hospital stay and hours in an operating room. The Neuroplex will house operative suites tailored for short operations that do not require a hospital stay.

More Room for Discovery

The Neuroplex liberated space previously used for clinical care, allowing for a 50% expansion in laboratory research space. That means more scientists working to decipher the most mysterious and challenging diseases of the brain and spine.

Start to Finish:
Watch two years of construction in three minutes