Transfer a Patient
We offer rapid and reliable transfer services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.
When calling, please have the following information available:
- Name of sending facility/unit and call back number
- Patient name, gender, and DOB
- Diagnosis
- Reason for transferring patient
- Higher level of care
- Service not provided at sending facility
- Continuity of care (provider and last visit with provider)
- Contact number for the physician requesting the transfer (direct line or cell phone only, no pagers)
- Insurance information for non-emergent transfers
- Type of bed requested
Note: Please leave a message with your contact information if prompted. We will call you back immediately.
Call this number for immediate transfer of an acute patient:
1-844-BNI-XFER (1-844-264-9337)
To upload medical images using our HIPAA-compliant portal: