Barrow Neurologist Weighs in on Alzheimer’s Drug
Aducanumab, marketed under the brand name Aduhelm, is the first new Alzheimer’s treatment to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 18 years.
It is the first drug on the market that is able to remove amyloid beta plaque from the brain and is intended for patients in the early stages of the disease. But since its approval through the FDA’s Accelerated Approval Program, aducanumab has been surrounded by uncertainty and insurance challenges.
Marwan Sabbagh, MD, a neurologist in the Alzheimer’s and Memory Disorders Program at Barrow Neurological Institute, has been asked by several news outlets to weigh in on the new drug. Read his comments in the articles below.
NPR: Cost and Controversy Are Limiting Use of New Alzheimer’s Drug
The Wall Street Journal: How Biogen Fumbled Aduhelm, Its Once Promising Alzheimer’s Drug
Bloomberg News: Insurers Balk at Paying for Biogen’s $56,000-a-Year Alzheimer’s Treatment