Barrow Library Services
General Information
The Health Science Library at Barrow Neurological Institute and St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center provides premier, authoritative, evidence based literature to all Arizona Dignity Health facility employees and providers to support their patient care, research and scholarly activities.
Numerous journals and books in print or electronic format as well as specialty databases are available from the library. Requests for items not readily available will be obtained by the library through interlibrary loan at no charge to you.
Visit the Physical Library
Located at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in the basement, the library is badge accessible 24/7. Enjoy the space to study, lounge, browse print items, login to computers, print and photocopy, scan or fax documents. Staff is available Monday through Friday.
Access Online Resources Anywhere
Bookmark the library website on your mobile device

Or go to https://cshsw.tdnetdiscover.com
Find and connect to all Arizona, regional and corporate library resources on the library website.
Sign in with your CommonSpirit.org email.
Remote access will require Okta Verify.
Contact Us
Website: https://cshsw.tdnetdiscover.com
Phone: 602-406-5684