Resources at Barrow Neurological Institute
Explore the resources that are available to Trainees at Barrow Neurological Institute:
MR scanners
We have 13 MR scanners, including one 7T and four 3T systems. A highlight is our dedicated MR scanner in the emergency department. Currently, we perform approximately 40-60 MR studies per day from the emergency department. After installation of the ED MRI scanner, MR examinations ordered from the emergency department increased 40%. This provides fellows with exceptional exposure to ultra-fast imaging protocols. Experience with ultra-fast protocols as well as the ultra-fast protocols themselves, are something unique that the fellows can bring to any future practice, to improve diagnosis and increase throughput.
CT scanners
We have eight CT scanners at the Barrow, including one 256 slice scanner, three 64 slice scanners, as well as two interventional CT scanners, including CT fluoroscopy. We also have two portable scanners that are 32 and 8 slice scanners, respectively. Our ultra-fast scanners allow us to perform unique CT examinations, including dynamic CT myelography for CSF leaks
The Barrow Neurological Institute boasts one of largest neuroscience faculties in the nation. In addition to dedicated neuroradiologists, there are 30 neurologists, 26 neurosurgeons (not including neurosurgeons at satellite hospitals and Phoenix Children’s), 16 neuro-anesthesiologists two neuropathologists, and 15 neuropsychologists. These experienced, highly skilled, and comprehensive neurological specialists not only attract complex referrals to the Barrow, but also serve as an important clinical resource to the fellows. They not only provide fellows with clinical feedback on cases, they also teach the fellows how their interpretation of neuroradiology cases fits into the context of the complete care of the patient.
In addition to the dedicated didactic conferences targeted at the neuroradiology fellows, the fellows are also invited to attend any of the extensive clinical multidisciplinary conferences. This provides an additional opportunity for the fellows to see interesting cases and learn from watching the role that neuroradiology plays in the multidisciplinary care of complex patients. Conferences are heldly either weekly or monthly:
- Stroke Clinical Case Conference: Occurring every Monday, this conference focuses on interesting vascular cases of the preceding week.
- CSF Leak Case Conference
- Skullbase Tumor Board
- Head and Neck Tumor Board
- Pituitary Tumor Board: Barrow is the largest pituitary center in the southwest. At pituitary tumor board, dedicated skullbase neurosurgeons and dedicated neuroendocrinologists review difficult clinical and surgical cases.
- Epilepsy Case Conference
- Brain Tumor Board: With the establishment of the Ivy Brain Tumor Center, the Barrow has become one of the world leaders in clinical trials for brain tumors. We perform more than 3,300 MR examinations each year for brain tumors. This tumor board allows fellows to see the treatment and care of a brain tumor from their initial imaging to surgery. Additionally, fellows will see rare tumors referred to the Barrow, as well as learn about imaging features associated with novel therapies for glioblastoma that are part of tertiary care.
- Lawton Imaging Rounds
Our center encompasses 5,000 square feet of space dedicated to imaging research. The center was built to bring together clinical, academic, and industry expertise to produce robust clinical imaging technology and bring it to market. To that end, it houses faculty and researchers of the Division of Neuroimaging Research, Arizona State University graduate students, a scientist from Philips Healthcare, and works with collaborators across the Phoenix Valley as a multi-institutional team in pursuit of this common goal. The staff of the Center operate a whole body 3-Tesla Philips Ingenia MRI scanner dedicated entirely to research. The staff works with neuroradiology wishing to utilize this scanner for imaging protocol optimization or research. There is also sufficient funding at Barrow to provide a year of dedicated research time to fellows who would like to pursue research beyond their clinical year.