Awards & Recognitions – November 2022
ANA Poster Award
Division Chief of Neurocritical Care Ruchira Jha, MD, MSc, and her laboratory staff received a poster award at this year’s American Neurological Association meeting. Anupama Rani, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Jha Laboratory, presented the poster: “Multifaceted Outcome Benefit of Glibenclamide After Murine Traumatic Brain Injury Across Sex.”
ABTA Discovery Grant
The American Brain Tumor Association has awarded a $50,000 Discovery Grant to An-Chi Tien, PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Translational Neuroscience at Barrow and the Pharmacodynamics Core Leader at the Institute’s Ivy Brain Tumor Center. The one-year grant will support Dr. Tien’s research on targeted genomic analysis of meningioma tumors in patients enrolled in Phase 0 clinical trials.
Healthcare Hero
Jacki Garcia, a nurse navigator in the Ivy Brain Tumor Center at Barrow, received this year’s Phoenix 5k Healthcare Hero award from Head for the Cure. The award recognizes health care workers whose accomplishments have deeply benefited patients and their loved ones, as well as the greater community.