Author Index 2003-2004
Adelson, P. David
The case for designated neurotrauma referral centers in the United States. [Bullock et al] 19(3):7-10, 2003
Aho, Todd R.
Normal pressure hydrocephalus: Diagnostic imaging and prognostic assessment. [Aho and Karis] 19(2):16-22, 2003
Albuquerque, Felipe C.
Diagnosis and management of blunt traumatic vascular injuries to the cervical carotid and vertebral arteries. [Han et al] 19(3):18-23, 2003
Alcott, Sally
Early neurorehabilitation for patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus. [Borgaro and Alcott] 19(2):29-31, 2003
Aliabadi, Hamidreza
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy: Review and case report. [Aliabadi et al] 20(3):23-25, 2004
Ames, Christopher P.
The application of image guidance to challenging spinal surgery cases. [Nottmeier et al] 19(1):17-25, 2003
Feasibility of a resorbable anterior cervical graft containment plate. [Ames et al] 19(1):26-33, 2003
Targeted tissue engineering in spinal surgery. The bone morphogenetic proteins: Past, present, and future. [Ames et al] 19(1):4-16, 2003
Amstutz, David
High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging of hypothalamic hamartomas. [Prenger et al] 20(1):23-26, 2004
Biggs, Christopher A.
Stereotactic radiosurgery in the management of acoustic neuromas. [Porter et al] 20(4):33-39, 2004
Borgaro, Susan R.
Early cognitive and affective sequelae of traumatic brain injury: A study using the BNI Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions. [Borgaro and Prigatano] 19(3):28-33, 2003
Early neurorehabilitation for patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus. [Borgaro and Alcott] 19(2):29-31, 2003
The neuropsychological examination of children with hypothalamic hamartomas: Preliminary observations. [Prigatano et al] 20(1):27-33, 2004
Neuropsychological and phenomenological correlates of persons with dementia and patients with memory complaints but no dementia. [Prigatano and Borgaro] 20(2):21-26, 2004
Standardization study of the BNI Affect Test [Borgaro] 20(3):7-13, 2004
Brachman, David G.
Stereotactic radiosurgery in the management of acoustic neuromas. [Porter et al] 20(4):33-39, 2004
Bullock, M. Ross
The case for designated neurotrauma referral centers in the United States. [Bullock et al] 19(3):7-10, 2003
Caples, Heather
Memory complaints and depression in a young adult: Case report. [Prigatano and Caples] 19(4):28-31, 2003
Chamberlain, Robert H.
Feasibility of a resorbable anterior cervical graft containment plate. [Ames et al] 19(1):26-33, 2003
Chamberlin, Gerard
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy: Review and case report. [Aliabadi et al] 20(3):23-25, 2004
Chang, Steve
Craniectomy for traumatic brain injury. [Chang et al] 19(3):14-17, 2003
Coons, Stephen W.
Etiology and epileptogenesis of hypothalamic hamartomas: Opening the door. [Coons et al] 20(1):34-41, 2004
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma presenting with intraparenchymal and subdural hematoma: Case report. [Deshmukh et al] 20(3):18-22, 2004
Sacral amputation for sarcoma: Case report. [Hartl et al] 20(3):26-32, 2004
Cornwall, G. Bryan
Feasibility of a resorbable anterior cervical graft containment plate. [Ames et al] 19(1):26-33, 2003
Crawford, Neil R.
Feasibility of a resorbable anterior cervical graft containment plate. [Ames et al] 19(1):26-33, 2003
Daspit, C. Phillip
Auditory brainstem implantation. [Lekovic et al] 20(4):40-47, 2004
Stereotactic radiosurgery in the management of acoustic neuromas. [Porter et al] 20(4):33-39, 2004
Surgical approaches for resection of acoustic neuromas. [Gonzalez et al] 20(4):22-32, 2004
Denvall, Vera
Replication and construct validation of the BNI Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions with a Swedish population. [Denvall et al] 20(2):7-12, 2004
Deshmukh, Vivek
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma presenting with intraparenchymal and subdural hematoma: Case report. [Deshmukh et al] 20(3):18-22, 2004
Dickman, Curtis A.
The application of image guidance to challenging spinal surgery cases. [Nottmeier et al] 19(1):17-25, 2003
Sacral amputation for sarcoma: Case report. [Hartl et al] 20(3):26-32, 2004
Targeted tissue engineering in spinal surgery. The bone morphogenetic proteins: Past, present, and future. [Ames et al] 19(1):4-16, 2003
Duane, Dawn C.
Etiology and epileptogenesis of hypothalamic hamartomas: Opening the door. [Coons et al] 20(1):34-41, 2004
Elmståhl, Sölve
Replication and construct validation of the BNI Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions with a Swedish population. [Denvall et al] 20(2):7-12, 2004
Feiz-Erfan, Iman
Diagnosis and management of blunt traumatic vascular injuries to the cervical carotid and vertebral arteries. [Han et al] 19(3):18-23, 2003
Prognostic utility of magnetic resonance imaging in traumatic brain injury. [Horn et al] 19(3):11-13, 2003
Surgical management of hypothalamic hamartomas. [Feiz-Erfan et al] 20(1): 4-12, 2004
Fife, Terry D.
Clinical features of normal pressure hydrocephalus. [Fife] 19(2):10-15, 2003
Fiorella, David
Diagnosis and management of blunt traumatic vascular injuries to the cervical carotid and vertebral arteries. [Han et al] 19(3):18-23, 2003
Fitzpatrick, Brian
Stereotactic brain biopsy for Listeria rhomboencephalitis in a patient with Crohn’s disease. [Lemole et al] 19(4): 20-24, 2003
Flaster, Murray
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy: Review and case report. [Aliabadi et al] 20(3):23-25, 2004
Gagliardi, Camia
The neuropsychological examination of children with hypothalamic hamartomas: Preliminary observations. [Prigatano et al] 20(1):27-33, 2004
Galler, Robert M.
Bone graft harvest. [Galler and Sonntag] 19(4):13-19, 2003
Spinal disk arthroplasty. [Gerber et al] 19(1):34-38, 2003
Gerber, Mark S.
Spinal disk arthroplasty. [Gerber et al] 19(1):34-38, 2003
Ghajar, Jamshid
The case for designated neurotrauma referral centers in the United States. [Bullock et al] 19(3):7-10, 2003
Gonzalez, L. Fernando
Auditory brainstem implantation. [Lekovic et al] 20(4):40-47, 2004
Surgical approaches for resection of acoustic neuromas. [Gonzalez et al] 20(4):22-32, 2004
Han, Patrick P.
Diagnosis and management of blunt traumatic vascular injuries to the cervical carotid and vertebral arteries. [Han et al] 19(3):18-23, 2003
Herniated lumbar disk sequestered between the internal and external dural sleeves: Case report. [Klopfenstein et al] 19(4):25-27, 2003
Harrington, Timothy R.
Craniectomy for traumatic brain injury. [Chang et al] 19(3):14-17, 2003
Neurotrauma: Current trends and future needs. [Harrington] 19(3):4-6, 2003
Prognostic utility of magnetic resonance imaging in traumatic brain injury. [Horn et al] 19(3):11-13, 2003
Hartl, Roger
Sacral amputation for sarcoma: Case report. [Hartl et al] 20(3):26-32, 2004
Heiserman, Joseph
High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging of hypothalamic hamartomas. [Prenger et al] 20(1):23-26, 2004
Henn, Jeffrey S.
Stereotactic brain biopsy for Listeria rhomboencephalitis in a patient with Crohn’s disease. [Lemole et al] 19(4):20-24, 2003
Horn, Eric M.
Prognostic utility of magnetic resonance imaging in traumatic brain injury. [Horn et al] 19(3):11-13, 2003
Surgical management of hypothalamic hamartomas. [Feiz-Erfan et al] 20(1):4-12, 2004
Hsu, Frank P. K.
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma presenting with intraparenchymal and subdural hematoma: Case report. [Deshmukh et al] 20(3):18-22, 2004
Johnson, Eric W.
Etiology and epileptogenesis of hypothalamic hamartomas: Opening the door. [Coons et al] 20(1):34-41, 2004
Karis, John P.
Normal pressure hydrocephalus: Diagnostic imaging and prognostic assessment. [Aho and Karis] 19(2):16-22, 2003
Kerrigan, John F.
Etiology and epileptogenesis of hypothalamic hamartomas: Opening the door. [Coons et al] 20(1):34-41,2004
Symptomatic seizures and epilepsy related to hypothalamic hamartomas. [Ng and Kerrigan] 20(1):18-22,2004
Kim, Louis J.
Acoustic neuromas: Symptoms and diagnosis. [Kim et al] 20(4):7-13, 2004
Herniated lumbar disk sequestered between the internal and external dural sleeves: Case report. [Klopfenstein et al] 19(4):25-27, 2003
Klopfenstein, Jeffrey D.
Acoustic neuromas: Symptoms and diagnosis. [Kim et al] 20(4):7-13, 2004
Herniated lumbar disk sequestered between the internal and external dural sleeves: Case report. [Klopfenstein et al] 19(4):25-27, 2003
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma presenting with intraparenchymal and subdural hematoma: Case report. [Deshmukh et al] 20(3):18-22, 2004
Ultrasonic aspirator tip variations: Instrumentation assessment. [Klopfenstein and Spetzler] 20(3):4-6, 2004
Kresl, John J.
Stereotactic radiosurgery in the management of acoustic neuromas. [Porter et al] 20(4):33-39, 2004
Lai, Florence D. M.
Wechsler IQ, Hong Kong List Learning Test, and the BNI Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions. [Lai and Prigatano] 20(2):16-18, 2004
Lekovic, Gregory P.
Auditory brainstem implantation. [Lekovic et al] 20(4):40-47, 2004
Surgical approaches for resection of acoustic neuromas. [Gonzalez et al] 20(4):22-32, 2004
Lemole, G. Michael Jr.
Stereotactic brain biopsy for Listeria rhomboencephalitis in a patient with Crohn’s disease. [Lemole et al] 19(4):20-24, 2003
Lukas, Ronald J.
Etiology and epileptogenesis of hypothalamic hamartomas: Opening the door. [Coons et al] 20(1):34-41,2004
Marinescu, Matei
A fast clinical screening of higher cerebral functions: From MMSE to BNIS. [Truelle et al] 20(2):19-20, 2004
Marion, Donald W.
The case for designated neurotrauma referral centers in the United States. [Bullock et al] 19(3):7-10, 2003
McDougall, Cameron G.
Diagnosis and management of blunt traumatic vascular injuries to the cervical carotid and vertebral arteries. [Han et al] 19(3):18-23, 2003
Momtazi, Ramin
Reliability and validity studies for the German adaptation of the BNI Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions. [Momtazi] 20(2):13-15, 2004
Ng, Yu-tze
Symptomatic seizures and epilepsy related to hypothalamic hamartomas. [Ng and Kerrigan] 20(1):18-22, 2004
Transcallosal resection of hypothalamic hamartoma: Case report. [Ng et al] 20(1):13-17, 2004
Nottmeier, Eric W.
The application of image guidance to challenging spinal surgery cases. [Nottmeier et al] 19(1):17-25, 2003
Feasibility of a resorbable anterior cervical graft containment plate. [Ames et al] 19(1):26-33, 2003
Targeted tissue engineering in spinal surgery. The bone morphogenetic proteins: Past, present, and future. [Ames et al] 19(1):4-16, 2003
O’Rourke, Brian D.
Imaging of acoustic neuromas. [O’Rourke and Wallace] 20(4):14-21, 2004
Orrico, Katie
The case for designated neurotrauma referral centers in the United States. [Bullock et al] 19(3):7-10, 2003
Papadopoulos, Stephen M.
The application of image guidance to challenging spinal surgery cases. [Nottmeier et al] 19(1):17-25, 2003
Emergent treatment of acute spinal cord injuries: Current status. [Papadopoulos] 19(3):24-27, 2003
Spinal disk arthroplasty. [Gerber et al] 19(1):34-38, 2003
Petersen, Scott R.
Craniectomy for traumatic brain injury. [Chang et al] 19(3):14-17, 2003
Porter, Randall W.
Acoustic neuromas: Symptoms and diagnosis. [Kim et al] 20(4):7-13, 2004
Auditory brainstem implantation. [Lekovic et al] 20(4):40-47, 2004
Stereotactic radiosurgery in the management of acoustic neuromas. [Porter et al] 20(4):33-39, 2004
Surgical approaches for resection of acoustic neuromas. [Gonzalez et al] 20(4):22-32, 2004
Prendergast, Virginia
The history of neuroscience nursing: A Barrow perspective. [Prendergast] 19(4):4-12, 2003
Prenger, Erin
High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging of hypothalamic hamartomas. [Prenger et al] 20(1):23-26, 2004
Transcallosal resection of hypothalamic hamartoma: Case report. [Ng et al] 20(1):13-17, 2004
Prigatano, George P.
An analysis of the construct-related and ecological validity of the BNI Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions by Peter J. Wass: A synopsis. [Prigatano] 20(2):4-6, 2004
The BNI Screen for Children: Rationale and initial validation studies. [Prigatano] 20(2):27-32, 2004
Early cognitive and affective sequelae of traumatic brain injury: A study using the BNI Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions. [Borgaro and Prigatano] 19(3):28-33, 2003
Memory complaints and depression in a young adult: Case report. [Prigatano and Caples] 19(4):28-31, 2003
The neuropsychological examination of children with hypothalamic hamartomas: Preliminary observations. [Prigatano et al] 20(1):27-33, 2004
Neuropsychological and phenomenological correlates of persons with dementia and patients with memory complaints but no dementia. [Prigatano and Borgaro] 20(2):21-26,2004
Replication and construct validation of the BNI Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions with a Swedish population. [Denvall et al] 20(2):7-12, 2004
Wechsler IQ, Hong Kong List Learning Test, and the BNI Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions. [Lai and Prigatano] 20(2):16-18, 2004
Rekate, Harold L.
Surgical management of hypothalamic hamartomas. [Feiz-Erfan et al] 20(1): 4-12, 2004
Transcallosal resection of hypothalamic hamartoma: Case report. [Ng et al] 20(1):13-17, 2004
Treatment of normal pressure hydrocephalus. [Rekate] 19(2):23-28, 2003
What causes normal pressure hydrocephalus? [Rekate] 19(2):4-9, 2003
Rosenfeld, Jeffrey V.
Transcallosal resection of hypothalamic hamartoma: Case report. [Ng et al] 20(1):13-17, 2004
Rusina, Robert
A fast clinical screening of higher cerebral functions: From MMSE to BNIS. [Truelle et al] 20(2):19-20, 2004
Ryan, Denita
Nurse practitioners at Barrow Neurological Institute [Ryan] 20(3):14-17, 2004
Shetter, Andrew G.
Surgical management of hypothalamic hamartomas. [Feiz-Erfan et al] 20(1):4-12, 2004
Siwanuwatn, Rungsak
Surgical management of hypothalamic hamartomas. [Feiz-Erfan et al] 20(1): 4-12, 2004
Sonntag,Volker K. H.
The application of image guidance to challenging spinal surgery cases. [Nottmeier et al] 19(1):17-25, 2003
Bone graft harvest. [Galler and Sonntag] 19(4):13-19, 2003
Feasibility of a resorbable anterior cervical graft containment plate. [Ames et al] 19(1):26-33, 2003
Targeted tissue engineering in spinal surgery. The bone morphogenetic proteins: Past, present, and future. [Ames et al] 19(1):4-16, 2003
Spetzler, Robert F.
Herniated lumbar disk sequestered between the internal and external dural sleeves: Case report. [Klopfenstein et al] 19(4):25-27, 2003
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma presenting with intraparenchymal and subdural hematoma: Case report. [Deshmukh et al] 20(3):18-22, 2004
Surgical approaches for resection of acoustic neuromas. [Gonzalez et al] 20(4):22-32, 2004
Surgical management of hypothalamic hamartomas. [Feiz-Erfan et al] 20(1): 4-12, 2004
Transcallosal resection of hypothalamic hamartoma: Case report. [Ng et al] 20(1):13-17, 2004
Ultrasonic aspirator tip variations: Instrumentation assessment. [Klopfenstein and Spetzler] 20(3):4-6, 2004
Standerfer, Robert J.
Sacral amputation for sarcoma: Case report. [Hartl et al] 20(3):26-32, 2004
Syms, Mark J.
Acoustic neuromas: Symptoms and diagnosis. [Kim et al] 20(4):7-13, 2004
Auditory brainstem implantation. [Lekovic et al] 20(4):40-47, 2004
Bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA). [Syms] 20(4):48-50, 2004
Stereotactic radiosurgery in the management of acoustic neuromas. [Porter et al] 20(4):33-39, 2004
Surgical approaches for resection of acoustic neuromas. [Gonzalez et al] 20(4):22-32, 2004
Truelle, Jean-Luc
A fast clinical screening of higher cerebral functions: From MMSE to BNIS. [Truelle et al] 20(2): 19-20, 2004
Varland, Maggie
The Barrow Acoustic Neuroma Center. [Varland] 20(4):4-6, 2004
The Barrow Hypothalamic Hamartoma Program. [Varland] 20(1):42-45, 2004
Wallace, Robert C.
Imaging of acoustic neuromas. [O’Rourke and Wallace] 20(4):14-21, 2004
Wethe, Jennifer
The neuropsychological examination of children with hypothalamic hamartomas: Preliminary observations. [Prigatano et al] 20(1):27-33, 2004
Wu, Jie
Etiology and epileptogenesis of hypothalamic hamartomas: Opening the door. [Coons et al] 20(1):34-41, 2004