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Full Study Name: A Dose Selection Trial of Light Therapy for Impaired Sleep in Parkinson’s Disease (ENLITE PD – NN110)

Description: The ENLITE PD – NN110 study is a 16-week, phase II, multi-center, randomized, parallel-group, dose-selection trial of light therapy in participants with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and co-existing sleep disruption. Participants age 45 and above will be randomized to 1 of 4 different light therapy groups, and will receive either bright-white or dim-red light therapy at different times throughout the day. This study aims to determine the most effective dose of light therapy to improve sleep in those with PD. The trial will consist of 5 on-site study visits completed in clinic across the 16-week period, with phone call visits also occurring in between each clinic visit.

Principal Investigators: Holly Shill, MD

Enrollment Contact:

Giulia Andrews
(602) 406-4206

Open and enrolling subjects.