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Stephen T. Foldes, PhD
Electroneurodiagnostics, Epilepsy
Stephen Foldes, PhD, is the technical director of magnetoencephalography and an assistant professor of electroneurodiagnostics and neurology at Barrow Neurological Institute. He is also a non-physician clinical neurophysiologist in the Barrow Epilepsy Center.
Dr. Foldes’ expertise is in neural engineering and presurgical mapping. He oversees the engineering aspects of magnetoencephalography (MEG), high-density electroencephalography (HD-EEG), and presurgical planning for epilepsy at Barrow.
Dr. Foldes earned his doctorate and master’s degrees in biomedical engineering from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University of Pittsburgh.
Dr. Foldes’s research focuses on brain computer interfaces, neuromodulation, and applying advanced signal processing and machine learning to neurophysiological and imaging data. He has published his findings in leading neuroscience and engineering journals.

- Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 2011-2016
- PhD, Case Western Reserve University, 2011
- MS, Case Western Reserve University, 2007
- BS, Purdue University, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2004
- Pediatric Highlights Feature, American Epilepsy Society Meeting, 2019
- Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship, Craig H. Neilsen Foundation, 2015
- Travel Award, Beyond Brain-Machine Interface Workshop, 2010
- Travel Award, International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, 2010
- Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (F31), National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2010
- Individual Predoctoral Rehabilitation Research Fellowship, Department of Veterans Affairs, 2009
- Graduate Trainee (T32), Integrated Engineering and Rehabilitation Training, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, 2006
- Department Graduate Fellowship, Case Prime, Case Western Reserve University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, 2004
A roadmap for implanting microelectrode arrays to evoke tactile sensations through intracortical microstimulation.
Date: 04/2024
Authors: John E Downey, Hunter R Schone, Stephen T. Foldes, Charles Greenspon, Fang Liu, Ceci Verbaarschot, Daniel Biro, David Satzer, Chan Hong Moon, Brian A Coffman, Vahab Youssofzadeh, Daryl Fields, Taylor G Hobbs, Elizaveta Okorokova, Elizabeth C Tyler-Kabara, Peter C Warnke, Jorge Gonzalez-Martinez, Nicholas G Hatsopoulos, Sliman J Bensmaia, Michael L Boninger, Robert A Gaunt, Jennifer L Collinger
Interpretable surface-based detection of focal cortical dysplasias: a Multi-centre Epilepsy Lesion Detection study
Date: 11/2022
Authors: Hannah Spitzer, Mathilde Ripart, Kirstie Whitaker, Felice D'Arco, Kshitij Mankad, Andrew A. Chen, Antonio Napolitano, Luca De Palma, Alessandro De Benedictis, Stephen Foldes, Stephen T. Foldes, Zachary Humphreys, Kai Zhang, Wenhan Hu, Jiajie Mo, Marcus Likeman, Shirin Davies, Christopher Güttler, Matteo Lenge, Nathan T. Cohen, Yingying Tang, Shan Wang, Aswin Chari, Martin Tisdall, Nuria Bargallo, Estefanía Conde-Blanco, Jose Carlos Pariente, Saül Pascual-Diaz, Ignacio Delgado-Martínez, Carmen Pérez-Enríquez, Ilaria Lagorio, Eugenio Abela, Nandini Mullatti
Atlas of lesion locations and postsurgical seizure freedom in focal cortical dysplasia: A MELD study
Date: 01/2022
Authors: Konrad Wagstyl, Kirstie Whitaker, Armin Raznahan, Jakob Seidlitz, Petra E. Vértes, Stephen Foldes, Emily Foldes, Stephen T. Foldes, Zachary Humphreys, Wenhan Hu, Jiajie Mo, Marcus Likeman, Shirin Davies, Matteo Lenge, Nathan T. Cohen, Yingying Tang, Shan Wang, Mathilde Ripart, Aswin Chari, Martin Tisdall, Nuria Bargallo, Estefanía Conde-Blanco, Jose Carlos Pariente, Saül Pascual-Diaz, Ignacio Delgado-Martínez, Carmen Pérez-Enríquez, Ilaria Lagorio, Eugenio Abela, Nandini Mullatti, Jonathan O'Muircheartaigh, Katy Vecchiato, Yawu Liu, Maria Caligiuri, Ben Sinclair
Transdermal Electrical Neuromodulation for Anxiety and Sleep Problems in High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: Feasibility and Preliminary Findings
Date: 12/2021
Authors: Stephen T. Foldes, Amanda R. Jensen, Austin Jacobson, Sarah Vassall, Emily Foldes, Ann Guthery, Danni Brown, Todd Levine, William James Tyler, Richard E. Frye
Association of Outcomes with Model-Based Indices of Cerebral Autoregulation After Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury
Date: 12/2021
Authors: Brian Appavu, M 'Hamed Temkit, Stephen Foldes, Emily Foldes, Stephen T. Foldes, Brian T. Burrows, Michael Kuwabara, Austin Jacobson, P David Adelson

Stephen T. Foldes, PhD
Electroneurodiagnostics, Epilepsy
Stephen Foldes, PhD, is the technical director of magnetoencephalography and an assistant professor of electroneurodiagnostics and neurology at Barrow Neurological Institute. He is also a non-physician clinical neurophysiologist in the Barrow Epilepsy Center.
Dr. Foldes’ expertise is in neural engineering and presurgical mapping. He oversees the engineering aspects of magnetoencephalography (MEG), high-density electroencephalography (HD-EEG), and presurgical planning for epilepsy at Barrow.
Dr. Foldes earned his doctorate and master’s degrees in biomedical engineering from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University of Pittsburgh.
Dr. Foldes’s research focuses on brain computer interfaces, neuromodulation, and applying advanced signal processing and machine learning to neurophysiological and imaging data. He has published his findings in leading neuroscience and engineering journals.

- Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 2011-2016
- PhD, Case Western Reserve University, 2011
- MS, Case Western Reserve University, 2007
- BS, Purdue University, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2004
- Pediatric Highlights Feature, American Epilepsy Society Meeting, 2019
- Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship, Craig H. Neilsen Foundation, 2015
- Travel Award, Beyond Brain-Machine Interface Workshop, 2010
- Travel Award, International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, 2010
- Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (F31), National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2010
- Individual Predoctoral Rehabilitation Research Fellowship, Department of Veterans Affairs, 2009
- Graduate Trainee (T32), Integrated Engineering and Rehabilitation Training, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, 2006
- Department Graduate Fellowship, Case Prime, Case Western Reserve University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, 2004
A roadmap for implanting microelectrode arrays to evoke tactile sensations through intracortical microstimulation.
Date: 04/2024
Authors: John E Downey, Hunter R Schone, Stephen T. Foldes, Charles Greenspon, Fang Liu, Ceci Verbaarschot, Daniel Biro, David Satzer, Chan Hong Moon, Brian A Coffman, Vahab Youssofzadeh, Daryl Fields, Taylor G Hobbs, Elizaveta Okorokova, Elizabeth C Tyler-Kabara, Peter C Warnke, Jorge Gonzalez-Martinez, Nicholas G Hatsopoulos, Sliman J Bensmaia, Michael L Boninger, Robert A Gaunt, Jennifer L Collinger
Interpretable surface-based detection of focal cortical dysplasias: a Multi-centre Epilepsy Lesion Detection study
Date: 11/2022
Authors: Hannah Spitzer, Mathilde Ripart, Kirstie Whitaker, Felice D'Arco, Kshitij Mankad, Andrew A. Chen, Antonio Napolitano, Luca De Palma, Alessandro De Benedictis, Stephen Foldes, Stephen T. Foldes, Zachary Humphreys, Kai Zhang, Wenhan Hu, Jiajie Mo, Marcus Likeman, Shirin Davies, Christopher Güttler, Matteo Lenge, Nathan T. Cohen, Yingying Tang, Shan Wang, Aswin Chari, Martin Tisdall, Nuria Bargallo, Estefanía Conde-Blanco, Jose Carlos Pariente, Saül Pascual-Diaz, Ignacio Delgado-Martínez, Carmen Pérez-Enríquez, Ilaria Lagorio, Eugenio Abela, Nandini Mullatti
Atlas of lesion locations and postsurgical seizure freedom in focal cortical dysplasia: A MELD study
Date: 01/2022
Authors: Konrad Wagstyl, Kirstie Whitaker, Armin Raznahan, Jakob Seidlitz, Petra E. Vértes, Stephen Foldes, Emily Foldes, Stephen T. Foldes, Zachary Humphreys, Wenhan Hu, Jiajie Mo, Marcus Likeman, Shirin Davies, Matteo Lenge, Nathan T. Cohen, Yingying Tang, Shan Wang, Mathilde Ripart, Aswin Chari, Martin Tisdall, Nuria Bargallo, Estefanía Conde-Blanco, Jose Carlos Pariente, Saül Pascual-Diaz, Ignacio Delgado-Martínez, Carmen Pérez-Enríquez, Ilaria Lagorio, Eugenio Abela, Nandini Mullatti, Jonathan O'Muircheartaigh, Katy Vecchiato, Yawu Liu, Maria Caligiuri, Ben Sinclair
Transdermal Electrical Neuromodulation for Anxiety and Sleep Problems in High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: Feasibility and Preliminary Findings
Date: 12/2021
Authors: Stephen T. Foldes, Amanda R. Jensen, Austin Jacobson, Sarah Vassall, Emily Foldes, Ann Guthery, Danni Brown, Todd Levine, William James Tyler, Richard E. Frye
Association of Outcomes with Model-Based Indices of Cerebral Autoregulation After Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury
Date: 12/2021
Authors: Brian Appavu, M 'Hamed Temkit, Stephen Foldes, Emily Foldes, Stephen T. Foldes, Brian T. Burrows, Michael Kuwabara, Austin Jacobson, P David Adelson