Volume 19, No. 4, 2003 Comments
In this issue readers will also find a useful and well-illustrated review on techniques for harvesting bone grafts from the iliac crest, fibula, spinal processes, ribs, and calvaria for use in anterior and posterior approaches to spinal fusion. The harvest of autograft will remain the procedure of choice for many surgeons while we all await the time when genetically engineered materials replace the need for these additional invasive procedures. Rounding out this issue are several reports that capture some of the rich, varied, and provocative clinical cases cared for at Barrow: Listeria rhomboencephalitis in a patient with Crohn’s disease, a herniated lumbar disk sequestered between the internal and external dural sleeves, and the use of neuropsychological testing to help differentiate psychiatric-based memory complaints from neurologic-based problems in a young adult.
As the year closes, please accept my wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year. For us, 2004 represents the 20th anniversary of the Barrow Quarterly. We will be starting the year with an issue devoted to hypothalamic hamartomas and their treatment to familiarize readers with the services offered by our new Hypothalamic Hamartoma Center. This issue should be a welcome resource for any practitioner who has ever been challenged by the care of a patient with this potentially devastating lesion. Please consider using the enclosed, self-addressed stamped envelope to share a contribution that will help us continue to provide all of our readers with this supplement to their ongoing education in the mysteries of the neurosciences.
Robert F. Spetzler, MD